High blood pressure in hypertension is the main criterion for chronic hypertension, which requires urgent treatment. It should be noted that slight fluctuations in blood pressure may occur throughout the day; this is normal. But if the elevated level remains at a high level for a long enough time or the pressure fluctuates with very large differences, then this is hypertension.

What is the blood pressure of a patient with hypertension?
Blood pressure in humans is expressed by two indicators: upper or systolic and lower (diastolic). In an adult, normal blood pressure should range from 120/80 to 129/84 mmHg. Symptoms that indicate illness:
- headache in the back of the head;
- insomnia;
- dizziness;
- faint;
- pain in the heart area;
- lumps or circles before the eyes.
For patients with hypertension, the criteria vary depending on the stage of the disease, as shown in the table:
The degree of hypertension | Pressure readings mm Hg. Art. | Symptoms | Treatment |
Light weight | From 140 to 90 to 160 to 100 |
Moderate | 160/100-180/110 |
Heavy | Above 180/110 |
Hypertension is more dangerous than low blood pressure. You should also be wary of the pathology due to the fact that in the initial stages there are practically no symptoms. Late detection of the problem threatens the disruption of internal organs and prolonged treatment.
How to measure to get a reliable result?
Blood pressure measurements must be taken correctly; the accuracy of the result will depend on this. Basic rules for taking measurements:
- Take measurements before meals, 3 times a day.
- The patient's hand should be at the level of the heart.
- The cuff from the device should be in contact with the skin, but not too tight, so that the index finger is placed between the cuff and the skin. You need to blow air quickly and slander slowly.
- 30 minutes before the procedure, do not smoke, do not drink coffee, tea or alcohol.
- During the measurement, do not talk or strain your hand.
- It is better to measure on both hands. In this case, the difference between left and right should normally not exceed 10%.
The main methods of prevention
For preventive purposes and to maintain normal blood pressure, you should follow simple requirements:
- monitor fluctuations in body weight;
- the amount of salt consumed should be no more than 5 g per day;
- Do simple exercises every day;
- remove alcohol and nicotine from consumption;
- add fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.
Proper treatment of high blood pressure
You can stabilize blood pressure and sometimes completely get rid of the disease, in different ways: traditional or medicinal. At home, you can lower blood pressure with tea and tinctures. Drug treatment should be used with extreme caution and after consultation with a doctor. With some medicines, blood pressure drops very quickly. Medicines are divided into groups shown in the table.
Group of medicines | Indications | Contraindications |
ACE inhibitors |
The Sartans |
Beta blockers |
Chronic lung disease |
Diuretics |
Hypokalemia: long-term use of the drug removes useful substances from the body |
Quick action |
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug |